Thursday 17 January 2013

Long time, No see

First of all, I apologise profoundly for not posting in AGES! *slaps back of own hand repeatedly*. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas (or holiday season if you do not celebrate Christmas) and I wish you a very happy New Year. I hope 2013 is filled with new opportunities, laughter and a little love mixed in.

Now the soppy bit's over, I can tell you what's been going on with me over the festive period. I've spent A LOT of it bored, but when I've not been watching Christmas specials of Downton Abbey and Call the midwife (Which is starting up on Sunday again!) and generally acting like an old women, I've been out having fun with family and friends. I've been ice skating...
I've done the usual putting-up-the-Christmas-tree ritual...
And lots of other festive things!


I promise to post again soon!

Love you lots like jellytots,

Edna xx

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